HiPMoS 2015 conference

in Informazioni generali

I am organizing, as chairman, the HiPMoS 2015 multitrack, that will take pace on May 26th-29th, 2015 in Varna, Bulgaria. Please refer to the HiPMoS web site for all related information.

Special Issue - Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience

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I am editing, with my colleagues Marco Gribaudo, Joanna Kołodziej and Florin Pop, a special issue on Advances in Modelling and Simulation for Big-data Applications (AMSBA) in a IGI-Global journal, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. The call for papers is available.


in Informazioni generali

I am organizing, with my friend and colleague Marco Gribaudo, the second edition of WRUMMM - Workshop on Research and Use of Multiformalism Modeling Methods, that this year will be held as a special session at ECMS 2014 - HiPMoS 2014, in Brescia, Italy, from 27th to 30th of May in 2014. If you are interested, please refer to HiPMoS related information on the main web site.

Session at INCoS 2014

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I am organizing, as chair together with a Japanese colleague, a session on "nature inspired multi-agent collaborative systems" at INCoS 2014, 6th International conference on intelligent networking and collaborative systems, September 10-12, 2014, Salerno, Italy.

I joined CRYSTAL ARTEMIS EU project

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I am taking part in CRYSTAL ARTEMIS EU project.

The ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking project CRYSTAL (CRitical sYSTem engineering AcceLeration) takes up the challenge to establish and push forward an Interoperability Specification (IOS) and a Reference Technology Platform (RTP) as a European standard for safety-critical systems.

Book: Theory and Application of Multi-Formalism Modeling

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After the wonderful experience of WRUMMM 2012, the book "Theory and Application of Multi-Formalism Modeling" will follow. I am co-editor of the book together with my colleague and friend Marco Gribaudo, for IGI-Global.
The call for chapters has been published for all interested contributors.


in Informazioni generali

I am organizing WRUMMM 2012 - Workshop on Research and Use of Multiformalism Modeling Methods. If you are interested, the web site for the workshop is online.